Why Non Profits Should Put Their Courses Online
A course designed specifically to help non-profits and charitable organizations with the tasks that they face on a daily basis. Topics include how to build an effective board of directors, improving organizational communication and even how to raise funds for those in need. Created by the best minds in the business, this course will enable you to focus on your core responsibilities, knowing that you have been equipped with all of the tools you need to succeed. As always, this course comes with our 100% satisfaction guarantee and has been fully approved by the Better Business Bureau.
Why Build a Course for Your Organization?
An online course is a great way to share your knowledge with other people and introduce them to what you do. A solid course can open up opportunities for yourself, both personally and professionally. It gives you a forum for giving back or even building your personal brand. Think of it as an extended resume, where you can show off how well-versed in your field you are and get people excited about what you do. And if you’re going to be writing content anyway, why not get paid for it? Some things are more important than money though—finding ways to help others is at its core; that means if it benefits those involved, then that’s a great thing for everybody involved.
Preparing to Build a Course
Before you start building a course, there are a few things you should have. Specifically, you need to know your learners: who they are, their goals and problems, and how you’re going to solve their problems. One of our favorite tools for finding out who your ideal learner is is Google Analytics. It’s free and super easy to set up—all it takes is creating a free Google account, which anyone can do. From there, head over to your Google Analytics dashboard and look at traffic from Organic Search (as opposed to Direct or Referral). What topics are people looking for? How many searches did people conduct? Are there particular keywords that are more popular than others?
Getting Ready to Launch the Course
Building a course for non-profits is similar to building any other course, with a few key differences. As you’re creating your outline and doing research on your content, think about how you can make it specifically beneficial to non-profit leaders. Maybe you have a nonprofit background yourself and can share some insight into issues that plague not for profits or ways to apply new technology more effectively in the sector. Creating something that’s truly tailored to their needs can set your course apart from others and ensure its success when it launches.
Creating an In-Person Workshop Version of Your Online Course
When creating an in-person workshop version of your online course, make sure you take time to figure out how you will present your material. One way is to have students watch a prerecorded webinar, while asking them to answer questions and solve problems along the way. This can be beneficial because you can gauge how well students are understanding your content. However, one downside is that some students may feel discouraged if they don’t perform as well as others or if they aren’t able to answer all of the questions correctly on their own during class. Another option is to teach students face-to-face using slides, videos, and other presentation tools. If you choose to do so, make sure you plan enough time for students to ask questions at each step along the way. The best format depends on your learning objectives; just remember that whatever method you choose should allow students to learn at their own pace without feeling too intimidated by what they perceive as the expert standing before them.
Launching the Online Version of Your Course
After developing your course, you’ll need to decide how to launch it. One way is through Udemy. The site has grown exponentially in recent years and boasts more than three million users—more than twice as many as have enrolled on similar platforms. Launching your own course on Udemy is a bit different from simply posting it on YouTube or setting up a landing page where you’ll be charging people to sign up for updates about your class; at Udemy, students pay either $20 or $50 for access to courses (depending on their length), and instructors get 70 percent of those fees.
Marketing your Course after Launch
With so many businesses and individuals competing for an audience, it’s important to market your course in a way that gives you a clear advantage. Consider these two strategies: 1) Use social media to get on influencers’ radars by interacting with them and offering value through your content; and 2) reach out directly to influencers yourself with a personalized pitch, like one of these 18 email templates for contacting influencers. When it comes to smaller lists or big influencers, make sure you have great lead magnets ready. And remember–this doesn’t just mean sending free training resources! Other effective lead magnet ideas can include free tools, cheat fsheets, guides or whitepapers relevant to your niche.